кето бисквити Lenny & Larry's Keto Cookie coconut 45г

Спомняте ли си класическата Coconut Lenny & Larry's Complete Cookie ?!

Класическите бисквитки на Lenny & Larry Coconut съдържаха повече захар, но сега тези кето-бисквитки (които са подходящи НЕ само за кето-диета) успяха да смалят нивото на захар до 2g! Без глутен, веган, кето-приятелски, но уникално вкусни!


Remember the classic Coconut Lenny & Larry's Complete Cookie?! A tasty Vegan cookie which has no animal products, no dairy products and no preservatives! Wellll...it's been given an over-haul! Plant-based as before and now suuuper low carb (3g NET) comprised of a unique blend creamy chocolate chips and crunchy cocoa nibs! Snacking at it's finest!

The classic Lenny & Larry's cookies were also a little higher in sugar but now these keto-cookies (NOT just for the keto-diet) have managed to peel those sugar levels RIIIGHT down to 2g! Gluten free, vegan, keto-friendly buuut every bit as tasty!!

Coming in at only 190kcals, 8g protein and only 15g carbs! A crowd-pleaser, a coconut lovers dream! A cookie lovers saviour when the cravings come a-knocking!!

As if Lenny & Larry's cookies could get any better! Pick up a Keto Cookie in a handful of tasty flavours and see for yourself!!


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кето бисквити Lenny & Larry's Keto Cookie coconut 45г

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